Saturday, December 6, 2008

Lost Childhood Sketch

Something out of myth,
this strange creature
craning its neck to see
how it sprawls on the page.

Its mouth lacks teeth
and proportion: an “O”
stamped loosely on its face,
overlapping the eyes.

Tottering precariously
on one of many feet,
prepared to topple
if not mid-leap.

Meandering digitless
what to hold, or how.
The sheet is mostly blank.

Not that this concerns
the creature—its tail
would wag, I’m sure,
but for static image,

as it enters that single hut
which is nowhere near
the right size or perspective,
perched as it is on the horizon.


Bethany said...

dude, does this count as ekphrasis? I wonder if I could get away with doing a series on the Obama posters.

Daniel said...

Well, I wanted to write some poems about the process of art and music in relation to the role they've played in my life, as I've taken lessons in both and spent a considerable amount of time making them myself... I think ekphrasis is a pretty broad category, and you could probably argue for the Obama posters if you're considering the effects or implications or nature of created images.